Erlang Facebook Code Open-source

Published Wednesday, August 29, 2007 by Bryan

Hi all. I've been meaning to do this for a while now, and the requests are only becoming more frequent, so - my Erlang-Facebook bridge code is now open for use. You can get it from the erlang2facebook Google Code project.

Big warning: the main reason I wasn't releasing this code yet is because I don't feel that it's documented well enough. Anyone interested in using this code will likely need to have both the Facebook doc pages and the standard Facebook PHP code open, for comparison.

I've been working on recreating the sample "footprints" app to package with this code. I'll post it as soon as I do (I keep getting distracted).

Also forgive me if I've committed some terrible Google Code faux pas. It's my first project hosted there, so I'm sure I missed something.

Categories: Erlang Facebook